2017 Spring Meeting

By Jessica Hebert Events Comments Off on 2017 Spring Meeting

The ARLIS MOQ Spring meeting will be held at the University of Ottawa Library on Friday, June 2nd.

Morisset Library, University of Ottawa

Morisset Library, University of Ottawa

A detailed schedule of the day is available here : Spring Meeting Schedule 2017

Lunch is free for the day, so please let us know if you have any food allergies or if you would like a vegetarian meal.

Please RSVP by email to arlismoq@gmail.com before Friday May 26th.

If you wish you participate in a rideshare from Montréal please fill out the online form.

The meeting is free for students, and 15$ for any MOQ member or guest. You are encouraged to pay meeting fees in advance via the MOQ Paypal account. You can also pay cash at the meeting.

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