Join the next ARLIS/MOQ committee!
The ARLIS/MOQ Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for three positions for the new Executive Committee in 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity to become involved in the chapter and have an active role in the ARLIS community, as part of a fun and dynamic team of professionals!
● Vice-president
● Secretary
● Membership Secretary
Students and recent graduates are welcome to apply for the positions! This is a great learning opportunity, and you will have support from outgoing members of the executive in order to transition to your new position.

Send a brief (100 words or less) summary to jennifer.garland@mcgill.ca and john.latour@concordia.ca before Friday, November 24, 2023 explaining your interest in the position and why you would be a good fit.
Vice-President (Mandate: 1 year)
Secretary (Mandate: 2 years)
Membership Secretary (Mandate: 2 years)
The Vice-President supports the President in their duties. This includes helping to organize the annual spring meeting and taking a leading role in organizing the fall meeting with the support of the President.They are also responsible for collecting information and composing a regular news update, in collaboration with the Executive Committee, to be sent to all members.
The Vice-President may be assigned other duties by the President and may propose special projects. Please note that the Vice-President becomes the President at the end of their mandate.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of Chapter and Executive Committee meetings and perform any other duties inherent in the office.
The Membership Secretary shall keep and update records of Chapter membership,and is responsible for recruitment.
Please note: Each member of the Executive Committee is required to belong to ARLIS/NA. Executive Committee members are encouraged to obtain financial support from their institution to cover the membership fees (if possible), but ARLIS/NA MOQ may cover the membership fee to ARLIS/NA (if necessary).