You are cordially invited to ARLIS/NA MOQ Virtu*l, our first biannual meeting of 2021, which will be held virtually on the morning of July 20th 2021. The business portion of the meeting (10:00 am – 11:30 am) will include reports from the executive team and subcommittees, the launching of the MOQDOC’s latest issue, voting in next year’s executive, and several points of discussion.
Program of the day
10:00 – 11:30 ARLIS/MOQ Business Meeting
11:30 – 12:15 Social Activity
Members are welcome to renew their membership for the following year at their convenience. The meeting is free for students and members because there are no booking fees or catered lunch.
If you are new to Zoom, please review the Zoom FAQ.
Find all the details in the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you online on July 20th!