News & Events

Some news and announcements to wrap up the year 2016! Fall Meeting : Thank you to all who attended the Fall meeting last November 18th at BAnQ Rosemont! The meeting was a great success, with 24 members in attendance. Following our meeting we had the chance to visit the impressive conservation and digitization workshops at[…]

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SAVE THE DATE! Our fall meeting will be held on November 18th at Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec’s main building and site of its special collections on rue Holt in Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie. We will be starting with our business meeting at 11:30am (simple lunch will be served) and then spend the afternoon with visits[…]

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Dear ARLIS/NA MOQ members, Thanks to all of you who attended the Spring meeting at the Maison de la littérature in Québec City! Further to a unanimous vote at the meeting, the ARLIS/NA MOQ Spring minutes are now available on the MOQ website As part of the MOQ website redesign project we are seeking photos[…]

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You are invited to the ARLIS/NA MOQ spring meeting on June 3, 2016 at the Maison de la littérature in Quebec City. You can find the full program for the day here: Spring Meeting Programme 

ARLIS/NA MOQ invites emerging professionals to participate in a CV design workshop at Artexte. This hands-on workshop will offer fresh design guidelines to make sure your CV stands out and looks as good as your skillset. The workshop will be presented by Adèle Flannery (MLIS, McGill ‘12), Public Services Librarian at UQÀM and student at[…]

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