You are cordially invited to ARLIS/NA MOQ Virtu*l, our first biannual meeting of 2020, which will be held virtually on August 7th. The ARLIS/MOQ Business Meeting will take place between 10:00 am and 11:30 am. Please note that the agenda will be sent to all registered participants prior to the meeting.Â
Between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm, we will have an optional moment of reflection and resource sharing on manifestations of systemic racism in our society and profession and on resilience movements such as Black Lives Matter.
The day will conclude with a 5 Ã 7 for a virtual opportunity for ARLIS MOQ to meet ARLIS Ontario. We are all encouraged to have our favorite beverage and snacks of choice on hand. The purpose is simple: meet and greet with colleagues between our provinces, and celebrate virtual art practices along the way. The ARLIS 2021 Conference planning committee are invited to say a word or two, and then we will embark upon a Miranda July-inspired show and tell virtual experience in the form of Zoom breakout rooms.
Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher’s relational aesthetics project Learning to Love You More (active from 2002-2009) consists of a series of online assignments and submissions, which enable participants to experience everyday moments and objects in new ways. To celebrate the creative participatory impetus in July and Fletcher’s work, and to simply have fun we encourage participants to actively choose or adapt an assignment to show and tell. This is a low stakes experimental activity: the assignment can be presented in any state of completion. Alternatively, you might simply want to browse the Learning to Love You More site and identify something helpful, inspiring, uplifting or outright funny. Or perhaps, you have found some other inspiring digital work or online exhibition that you would like to share instead.
Option to contribute to our MOQ DOC
For those who go through the work of creating a Miranda July-inspired assignment, our MOQ DOC welcomes submissions in the form of text, image, sound, that highlights the experience or the assignment itself. Please indicate the name of the assignment that you drew inspiration from and a very brief description. Please send your submission to arlismoq@gmail.com.
Program of the day
10:00 – 11:30 – ARLIS/MOQ Business Meeting
15:00 – 16:00 – Optional Anti-Racism/Black Lives Matter Reflection and Resource Sharing
17:00 – 19:00 – ARLIS 2021 Conference Planning and Miranda July-inspired virtual arts. Franglais, a combination of French and English, is welcome in this ARLIS MOQ meets ARLIS Ontario gathering.
Please RSVP via the Google Form to the parts of the day that you plan on attending. Zoom links will be sent out accordingly. RSVP before Thursday, July 30
If you are new to Zoom, please review the Zoom FAQ.
The meeting is free for students and members because there are no booking fees or catered lunch. Only members who have paid their membership fee can vote at the business meeting part of the day. For this reason, please pay your membership dues before August 7, 2020 if you haven’t already.
We look forward to seeing you online on August 7th!