ARLIS/NA MOQ Executive newsletter

By Sarah Severson News Comments Off on ARLIS/NA MOQ Executive newsletter

Some news and announcements to wrap up the year 2016!

  • Réunion automnale / Fall Meeting 2016 BAnQ Rosemont

    Réunion automnale / Fall Meeting 2016 BAnQ Rosemont

    Fall Meeting : Thank you to all who attended the Fall meeting last November 18th at BAnQ Rosemont! The meeting was a great success, with 24 members in attendance. Following our meeting we had the chance to visit the impressive conservation and digitization workshops at BAnQ.  The afternoon’s activities concluded with a fascinating look into the world of map librarianship, with two presentations on the evolution of cartographic representation of New France.

  • MOQDOC : During the Fall meeting we discussed our financial situation and the need to either increase our revenues or reduce our costs. The question of whether we should continue to print the MOQDOC, or to only release it as a digital publication was raised.  While a decision was not yet made on this,  we will be sending around a survey in early January to gather your thoughts on this issue.  In the meantime,  please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Nominating Committee : We are still looking for two members to serve on the nominating committee. The nominating committee is responsible for finding candidates to fill vacant positions on the executive committee and coordinating elections when necessary. The mandate is for one year, and can be renewed the following year. It is a great way to get involved in ARLIS MOQ and to connect with other members!  Please contact if you are interested.

  • Copyright panel event in Feb 2017 : We are very excited to announce that we are currently organizing a professional panel event on copyright and open access in the visual arts to be held on February 16th at 6pm at Artexte. The event will be free, and we encourage you to share any questions you may have pertaining to copyright and digital collections. More information on this to come in 2017!

  • Membership : A reminder to renew your membership for 2017! More information about renewals can be found on the ARLIS MOQ website.


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