Call for Members to the Executive Committee

By Jessica Hebert News Comments Off on Call for Members to the Executive Committee

This is a call of application for the following Executive Committee positions for 2018:

  • Vice-President
  • Membership Secretary
  • Secretary

These three positions are very important to fill in order to ensure the success and continuity of the MOQ chapter.  We are looking for volunteers to be part of of this wonderful team. It is a great opportunity to play an active role in ARLIS MOQ and to build professional ties with colleagues.

In order to apply for a position please submit a very brief (100 words or less) summary  to  Explain why you are interested in the position and how you would be a good fit to the Executive Committee. Bilingualism is not mandatory for the roles.  As a team we work together to collaborate and assist with translations when needed.

Here is a brief description for each position (as indicated in our Chapter’s bylaws):


The Vice-President shadows the President in their duties. This includes helping organize the annual Spring meeting and taking a leading role in organizing the Fall meeting with support of the president. They are also responsible for collecting information and composing a regular news update, in collaboration with the executive committee,  to be sent to all members

The Vice-President may be assigned other duties by the President and may propose special projects. Please note that the Vice-President becomes the President at the end of their mandate.

(mandate: 1 year)

Membership Secretary:

The Membership Secretary shall keep and update records of the Chapter membership, and take the lead in recruiting new members through outreach and recruitment activities. They are also responsible for sending out renewal reminders and welcome messages to new members. (mandate: 2 years).


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of Chapter and Executive Committee meetings and perform other administrative duties to support the chapter. The secretary is responsible for taking minutes at the biannual meetings and posting them to the website. They are also responsible for updating website content when necessary and monitoring the gmail account and social media.

(mandate: 2 years).

  • Please note that each member of the Executive Committee is required to belong to ARLIS/NA. He or she is encouraged to obtain financial support from their institution to cover the membership fees (if possible), but ARLIS/NA MOQ may cover the membership fee to ARLIS/NA (if necessary).

Deadline for Submissions is Monday October 23th.  

The Nominating Committee

Frédérique Duval :

Pamela Caussy :

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