ARLIS/NA MOQ 2016 Executive Announced

By Sarah Severson Events Comments Off on ARLIS/NA MOQ 2016 Executive Announced

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce that all of the positions on the 2016 ARLIS/NA MOQ Executive have been filled!

The following members were elected by acclamation during the November 6, 2015 ARLIS/NA MOQ meeting held in Montreal:

Jessica Hébert, Vice-President 2016
Sarah Severson, Treasurer 2016-2017
Adèle Flannery, Membership Secretary 2016-2017
Janie Tremblay, Secretary 2016-2017

Jessica, Sarah, Adèle and Janie will take on their new duties effective as of January 1, 2016. They will be joining Pamela Casey, Vice-President 2015, who will become our new President in 2016.

In addition to welcoming our new members to the Executive, we would like to thank all of the current members for their great contributions to the Chapter including Felicity Tayler (Treasurer); Philip Dombowsky (Membership Secretary); Corina MacDonald (Secretary); Pierre Landry (Past President and ARLIS/Canada Representative) with special thanks to Nancy Duff (President, 2015) for her wonderful leadership over the past year.

Thank you very much.


John Latour and David Sume

The ARLIS/NA MOQ Nominating Committee

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