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You are cordially invited to the ARLIS/MOQ Spring meeting, which will be held at the Saint-Paul University Jean-Léon Allie Library and Archives. The meeting will be followed by a visit of the library’s Rare Books and Special Archives collection, as well as a visit of the university. Our sincere thanks to the Jean-Léon Allie Library[…]

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You are cordially invited to the ARLIS MOQ fall meeting which will be held at Artexte, followed by a visit of the Galerie Piroir on November 30th. We would like to extend our gratitude to the Artexte team for welcoming us, as well as to Agathe Piroir and her father for the visit of their studio-gallery.  Program of[…]

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SAVE THE DATE! The ARLIS MOQ Spring meeting will be held at the École d’architecture de l’Université Laval on Friday, June 1st in Quebec City. A preliminary schedule of the day is available here : Spring Meeting Schedule 2018 Please RSVP by email to before Wednesday May 23rd. If you wish you participate in a rideshare from[…]

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ARLIS MOQ invites you to join us in an all-day design thinking for libraries workshop. Workshop instructor: Ekatarina Grguric Date: Saturday, May 12, 2018 Postponed till the Fall 2018 Time: 9:30am to 4:00pm (with 1 ½ hour for lunch) Location: TBD Price:  ARLIS MOQ member: $30 ARLIS MOQ student/underemployed member: $20 General public: $45 (or become[…]

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ARLIS/NA Conference to be held in Montréal in 2021! We are pleased to announce that the annual conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) will take place in Montréal in 2021. The conference takes place in Canada approximately every 10 years and was last held in Montréal in 1995. The represents a[…]

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