November 2015

The deadline for the 2016 Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award is fast approaching. Please share the information below with your ARLIS/NA Chapter via email, website posting, and/or social media. Thanks! Bailey Diers 2016 ARLIS/NA Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award The Art Libraries Society of North America is now accepting applications for the 2016 Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship[…]

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The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce that all of the positions on the 2016 ARLIS/NA MOQ Executive have been filled! The following members were elected by acclamation during the November 6, 2015 ARLIS/NA MOQ meeting held in Montreal: Jessica Hébert, Vice-President 2016 Sarah Severson, Treasurer 2016-2017 Adèle Flannery, Membership Secretary 2016-2017 Janie Tremblay, Secretary[…]

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