On behalf of the Montreal-Ottawa-Quebec Chapter: Welcome, ARLISians, to the ARLIS/NA 2021 Virtual Conference! While it’s disappointing that we couldn’t convene in Montreal in person, we’re proud to say that our chapter’s Conference Planning Advisory Committee has worked hard to put together a remarkable online event that is sure to inspire us as we come together[…]
A message from ARLIS/NA MOQ | Un message d’ARLIS/NA MOQ
By Secretary ARLIS/NA 2021, ARLIS/NA 2021 May 11, 2021
To keep the conversation going | Pour entretenir la conversation
By Secretary ARLIS/NA 2021, ARLIS/NA 2021 May 10, 2021
(Le français suit)If a session is wrapping up, but there’s still much more to say, or if you’d like to gather with a gang of conference friends, or meet new people serendipitously, we’ve got you covered: Remo Lounges, Roundtables, and Community Q&A are all ways you can keep the conversation going during conference week. Not[…]
To get into Montreal mood, here are a few playlists featuring some of Montreal’s best artists. Pour se mettre dans l’ambiance de Montréal, voici quelques listes de lecture mettant en vedette certains des meilleurs artistes montréalais. A Spotify account is required to listen to the songs in their entirety, but you can also search for[…]
(Le français suit) We are delighted to offer two live tours during the conference week: From Moscow to Montreal: Highlights of the Russian Special Collections at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (Monday, May 10 at 10:30am, free) Over the past forty years, the Canadian Centre for Architecture has acquired significant holdings of books, periodicals, and[…]
Conference Guides and Newer Attendees | Guides de la conférence et les nouveaux participants
By Secretary ARLIS/NA 2021, ARLIS/NA 2021 Apr 28, 2021
2021 Conference Guides and Newer Attendees Call for Participation La version française suit. The Montreal conference planning team will pair interested Newer Attendees with volunteer Conference Guides at the 2021 Virtual Conference. Interested in participating? Click the sign-up link at the bottom of this post. The annual conference is a time to renew relationships and[…]