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June 8 2020 Dear ARLIS MOQ Members, These are difficult times of change and of coming together. COVID 19 is hard enough on health care workers, the elderly, international students, and BIPOC individuals. After a week of heart wrenching news, I would like to speak up on behalf of ARLIS MOQ as one of many[…]

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: ARLIS/NA MOQ Professional Development Awards 2018  ARLIS/NA MOQ has the pleasure of informing you about the Professional Development Awards for 2018. All applications must be received by November 27th, 2017. The award winner will be notified by December 15th 2017. Questions may be directed to the Chair at the address below. I.[…]

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Daphne Dufresne (1940-2017) One of the pioneers of ARLIS MOQ passed away this past August at the age of 77. Daphne Dufresne was the Director of the Bibliothèque des arts de L’UQAM from 1970 until her retirement in 2004. Daphne Dufresne served as president of ARLIS MOQ in 1991 and held the role of conference co-chair[…]

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This is a call of application for the following Executive Committee positions for 2018: Vice-President Membership Secretary Secretary These three positions are very important to fill in order to ensure the success and continuity of the MOQ chapter.  We are looking for volunteers to be part of of this wonderful team. It is a great[…]

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In reaction to the budget cuts to BAnQ, announced in early June, ARLIS MOQ wrote a letter to the Minister of Culture and Communications of Québec, in solidarity with our colleagues at BAnQ and to denounce these austerity measures. The letter was sent on June 5th, 2017. The letter is available as a PDF here (French only).[…]

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