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Nouvelles / News

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: ARLIS/NA/MOQ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARDS 2022 ARLIS/NA/MOQ has the pleasure of informing you about the Professional Development Awards for 2022. All applications must be received by March 1, 2022. The award winner will be notified by March 7, 2022. Questions may be directed to the chair at the address below. I.   MICHELLE GAUTHIER TRAVEL AWARD ($2000[…]

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Theme : Adaptation The Editorial Committee of the MOQDOC, the annual publication of the ARLIS/NA MOQ chapter, is looking for texts for its next issue to be published in Fall 2021.  The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many facets of our working life and impacted the ways in which we can provide educational and research services,[…]

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Thème: Adaptation Le comité éditorial du MOQDOC, la publication annuelle d‘ARLIS/NA MOQ, est à la recherche d’articles pour son prochain numéro à paraître en automne 2021. La pandémie du COVID-19 a eu un impact sur de nombreux aspects de notre vie professionnelle et a influencé la manière dont nous pouvons offrir des services d’éducation et[…]

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[lang_en]The MOQDOC editorial committee is now accepting submissions for the upcoming issue of MOQDOC (volume 24, number 2, Spring 2015). We accept contributions from all members and we look forward to hearing from you! Articles could include writings on the following topics: • conference reports • exhibition reviews • profile of a member or an[…]

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