You are cordially invited to ARLIS/NA MOQ Virtu*l, our first biannual meeting of 2021, which will be held virtually on the morning of July 20th 2021. The business portion of the meeting (10:00 am – 11:30 am) will include reports from the executive team and subcommittees, the launching of the MOQDOC’s latest issue, voting in[…]
Tribute : Marilyn Berger
By Secretary Tributes & retirements Jul 20, 2021
Originally published on McGill blog on June 14, 2021 The University flag is lowered today in memory of Librarian Emerita Marilyn Berger, who passed away Thursday, March 11, 2021. Marilyn was a former Head Librarian of the Blackader-Lauterman Library of Architecture and Art. She began in the McGill Library in 1977, and earned her MLIS from McGill’s[…]
Call for submissions MOQDOC 2021
By Jessica Hebert moqdoc, Nouvelles / News Jun 15, 2021
Theme : Adaptation The Editorial Committee of the MOQDOC, the annual publication of the ARLIS/NA MOQ chapter, is looking for texts for its next issue to be published in Fall 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many facets of our working life and impacted the ways in which we can provide educational and research services,[…]
FREE CCA bag | Sac CCA gratuit
By Secretary ARLIS/NA 2021, ARLIS/NA 2021 May 13, 2021
Since 2009 the Canadian Centre for Architecture has produced a tote bag annually that can be purchased in their bookstore. Each year a new color combination has been selected. These tote bags have become something of a Montreal institution and are spotted all over the city. The library of the CCA maintains a complete collection[…]
Did you catch Dr. Nelson’s mention of Heritage Minutes and wonder what she might be referring to? The Heritage Minutes is a series of sixty-second short films, each illustrating an important moment in Canadian history. The Minutes integrate Canadian history, folklore and myths into dramatic storylines. They would appear (often) on television and seeing a[…]