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You are cordially invited to ARLIS/NA MOQ Virtu*l, our first biannual meeting of 2021, which will be held virtually on the morning of July 20th 2021. The business portion of the meeting (10:00 am – 11:30 am) will include reports from the executive team and subcommittees, the launching of the MOQDOC’s latest issue, voting in[…]

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You are cordially invited to ARLIS/NA MOQ Virtu*l, our second biannual meeting of 2020, which will be held virtually on the morning of Friday, December 11, 2020. Let us start the day at 9:00 am with an informal catch-up over a hot beverage of choice before formal business begins! The business portion of the meeting[…]

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You are cordially invited to ARLIS/NA MOQ Virtu*l, our first biannual meeting of 2020, which will be held virtually on August 7th. The ARLIS/MOQ Business Meeting will take place between 10:00 am and 11:30 am. Please note that the agenda will be sent to all registered participants prior to the meeting.  Between 3:00 pm and[…]

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You are cordially invited to the ARLIS/MOQ Fall meeting on Friday, November 29th, which will be held at Concordia University in Montreal. The meeting will be followed by a series of visits to the Print Media Studio, the VCR, the Webster Library, and the Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery. Thank you to all our collaborators[…]

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